I know...freeze-dried liver sounds kind of gross and freeze-dried liver meatballs even grosser. But after discovering it on the pet store shelves a decade ago, I've rarely been without a big container of 100% beef liver cubes in my kitchen.
Engagement Series #6: Wanna go for a____?
No matter how luxurious the home or how big the yard, most people do not spend 24x7 cooped up in the same space, seeing the same things, hearing the same sounds and smelling the same smells. But too often, the family dog is relegated to such a life.
Fab Photo Friday: Profil de Jackson
I never get tired of taking pictures of this boy! I was watching TV in the adjacent room and happened to look over at him snoozing in his favorite chair on the sunporch, just as the sun broke through the clouds and shone through the skylight. Luckily, I had the camera right there and caught it.......
Engagement Series #5: Hello there, Handsome!
"You had me at Hello"...
Our dogs rarely pass up an opportunity to enthusiastically let us know how glad they are to see us when we've been away from them. A greeting like that can't help but make you feel special and is one of the greatest things about sharing life with a dog. And if you take a little time to return the favor, it can do wonders for improving your dog's level of engagement and focus on you.
Tasty Treat Tuesday: There's Nuthin' Like Good Stuffin'!
It's hard to read any advice on how to keep your dog from getting bored without coming across the phrase "Give them a stuffed Kong". But many new dog owners may wonder "what the heck is a 'Kong' and whatever do you stuff them with?
A Moving "Tail"!
I've had the opportunity over the last few days to keep a good friend's dogs, Charlie and Dakota, while the family moved from one house in town to another. My friend has been concerned about the stress that both dogs have been under due to all of the packing, real estate showings and schedule upheaval that a major move causes.
Fab Photo Friday: The Eyes Have It
Last spring, I got intrigued with the variety and beauty that can be seen in the eyes of our dogs. So I subjected some students and a relative-dog or two to my camera and here are a few of the shots!
Engagement Series #4: Food, Glorious Food!
"My dog should do what I say because I say so, not because I bribe him with food". I've seen and heard this opinion often regarding the use of food to train dogs. And, I agree. AND, I TRAIN WITH FOOD. Lots of food.
Tasty Treat Tuesday: Homemade "Savvy-Cicles"
Ever since I gave him his first one, back when he was about a year old, Jackson has been hooked on frozen yogurt-type treats.
Engagement Series #3: The Training Trifecta
Tasha, Come! Tasha, COME! Come ON Tasha! Tasha, COME RIGHT NOW! GET over here...Tasha....RIGHT NOW!
Sit, Cody. Sit. Sit. Sit, Cody. SIT!
Sound familiar? Far too often, this type of "banter" is the primary way we try to communicate with our dogs.